Wine and...
Wine and...
Wine and...Music: DEDICATED by Carly Rae Jepsen (2019) - Part 2

Wine and...Music: DEDICATED by Carly Rae Jepsen (2019) - Part 2

Here's the lightly truncated second half for the free listeners! Finally, the wine pairings!

Here we go with the Tracks 4-15 of the album + we get to the wine pairings!

As mentioned before, I love the wine I found for this one, so give it a listen! I talk nearly 10 minutes on the wine, waxing nerdetic on the grape, the country, the area, to where our guest declares at the end of it:

“I wonder what it would be like to spend a day in your head.”

I wonder that, too.

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Once again, today’s guest is poet and comics writer, Anas Abdulhak. Anas has written the poetry-driven comics Elutheromania, Objects in the Mirror, and Etheres. We actually featured Etheres elsewhere on our Substack with a video + a written Q&A with Anas.

Anas is currently hard at work on the unSEEN/unHEARD Anthology, a comic anthology with stories from new voices from the disability and neurodivergent communities. We mention in the podcast that *maybe* submissions might still be open when these episodes drop, but alas, they did close on June 30th. But that means the work is now underway!

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Wine and...
Wine and...
The podcast and publication where we pair wine with books, comics, music, movies, tv, and maybe one day we'll pair it with...I don't or something crazy like that.