I love a good port. Also, literally just watched this again today for the first time in YEARS!

My take on the immortality bit was that the grail's effects wear off outside the temple. So, you imbibe, but you leave? Clock starts ticking again. The knight said something about how it can never cross the seal and that this is the price for immortality, so maybe it stands to reason (as far as magic is vulnerable to reason) that the grail's powers stick with the grail.

But yes, when I was a kid I always wondered "wait, so are they just immortal now?" as well.

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I can see that. I old knight wasn't just committed, he literally couldn't leave without dying. And I guess the healing effects of the grail are instantaneous, and real (not just magic that dissipates if you leave) but the immortality effects are. That's not the most "makes sense" construction, but, honestly, good enough. And yeah, I'm watching all of these for the first time in decades. I didn't rewatch them when Crystal Skull came out. So I probably haven't seen these since the 90's.

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I also tend to defer to the “did you have fun? Okay then every little thing doesn’t need to make sense” theory of filmgoership, so YMMV.

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Depends on the context for me. Indiana Jones? Not gonna sweat it, even if my brain still forms the question. But I have a few personal quirks, like time travel movies - I REQUIRE those to make perfect internal sense or fuck that story. No ifs ands or buts but plenty of fucks, shouted out loud at the screen.

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