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WINE AND… is a weekly podcast where we pair wine with movies, tv, music, books, and comics, not necessarily in that order, often with guests from all of those industries, including the wine industry!

Free subscribers will get alerts when new episodes drop, alongside access to articles, some bonus parings, and all directories cataloging pairings from the show as it goes.

Paid subscribers get additional access to uncut versions of all episodes, interactive polls, and Subscriber-Only Chats where you can add your thoughts to the works of art covered in the show and the wines and/or beverages you’d pair with them.

Support Art and Wine

Support our mutual love of art and wine by supporting this quirky show! Podcasts cost *some* $$$ (software, equipment, services) and a huge dollop of our time. Covering costs and maybe even having a little somethin’-somethin’ to show for it will help us to improve, upgrade, and keep the show going long-term.

We want to give back to those who make these products - both entertainment and wine - and spotlight their work, their personalities, and their products.

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Be part of a community! Free subscribers can still drop comments on every post. Paid subscribers can interact in deeper ways, as outlined above.

To find out more about us, visit our homepage at https://wineand.start.page

Subscribe to Wine and...

The podcast and publication where we pair wine with books, comics, music, movies, tv, and maybe one day we'll pair it with...I don't know...food or something crazy like that.