The Wine and Comics Pairing CLUB
Book Club! But All Graphic Novels! And Drinking! And Free! And Anywhere! And READ ALONGS! ARE YOU NOT ENTERTAINED???
We’ve launched a Book Club, baby. It’s free to join, and online, so it doesn’t matter where you live, and we’ll connect once per month online via Live get-together, so you can actively partake!
This is of course a COMIC “Book” club, or a Graphic Novel club to be more precise. And yes, we’ll be pairing every book with wine. We’d love for you to try your hand at pairing wine with the books as well, but we’re a-okay with you bringing your drink of choice, even non-alcoholic (looooooser). Not that we judge (loooooooser).
The Club
This is an Amazon Book Club - no, you don’t have to purchase anything from Amazon if you’re opposed to it. But the big “A” (-hole) launched a Beta of this new book club portal and it’s prety nifty:
You’ll see each month’s selected books listed.
You’ll see upcoming books being considered for following months.
You can recommend your own for following months!
We can all leave messages and reply and discuss the club and the books and the wine/drinks, all natively on the Book Club page.
Joining this club is not a commitment. You can join and buy the books and show up to the live get-togethers as you like. We’re not going to give anyone any shit for being busy or poor or both. But we’d love for you to join anyway, and be a part of the converstaions and community as your bandwidth allow.
Our first comics for the month of June are:
The Drops of God (A ComiXology “Original”)
1) THE DROPS OF GOD Vol. 1 is written by Tadashi Agi, a pseudonym employed by creative brother/sister team Yuko and Shin Kibayashi, and illustrated by Shu Okimoto. It’s available in English only as a digital download on Amazon, as ComiXology bought the rights. It's free for those with a Kindle Unlimited or ComiXology Unlimited plan.
This is a "Seinen" ("Cooking") manga, I guess because wine is “food”/ingestible. (And if none of you have tried IRON WOK JAN yet, go read that manga FORTHWITH.)
Drops opens with the passing of a major figure in the wine world and the competition between two potential heirs to inhereit what he left behind. The only problem: one of them is almost as influential as the deceased, while the other has never drunk wine at all! Now a major TV series on AppleTV+!
We read the first 2 Chapters of Volume 1. Out loud. Yes.
Mr. Lightbulb (Fantagraphics)
2) MR. LIGHTBULB by animator Wojtek Wowszczyk Heartwarming, absurdist semi-autobiographical tale about embracing one's talents and finding your place in life with them. Can be purchase digitally or physically here on Amazon or elsewhere. Published by Fantagrpahics. A whopping 625 pages! But it's a fast read nevertheless, trust us.
We do it again. (We’ll actually be doing these every month, so learn to love ‘em.)
We'll have a Live get-together to discuss the books end of June/early July! We’ll try to find a date/time that works with the majority of those who join!