Halloween Book Club Livestream Tomorrow, Oct 30th with Guest, Brian Hawkins!
Join us in the chat or if you're a member of the club join us on screen as an official participant of the stream! Your choice!
Late night spooooooooky Halloween Book Club Livestream happening 10/30, 8pm PT / 11pm ET!
We’ll kick off by discussing
’s horror comic NICE HOUSE ON THE LAKE (plus the Hulu/Fox movie NO ONE CAN SAVE YOU).Then writer Brian Hawkins will be joining us between 8:30/9pm PT to discuss his horror comic THE VINEYARD!
I’ve been a fan of Brian’s for a long time (since his first few issues of AMERICA’S KINGDOM back in 2017), and I nearly fainted when I discovered he was releasing a wine-themed comic last year. The trade paperback collection has recently hit stores, so it’s finally time to celebrate! And no better time than All-Hallows Eve to make it happen.
Join us in one of two ways:
Either in the chat, where you can choose to interact or not as your bandwidth and/or preferences allow.
If you’re a member of the club, you can DM me on Facebook (it’s a Facebook club, yo) or sound off in the chat and say you want to come on screen, and I’ll DM you a participant link!
I wanted to try this month’s get-together a little differently, so people had the option to either be engaged or just listen along - I don’t want anyone to worry about the fact that they can’t be on screen and a part of the conversation to stop anyone from joining as they like!
Not a part of the club yet? You can request to join the Facebook group here.
See y’all tomorrow night! Happy Halloween!