8 Months in the Making! Rioja Blind Tasting, Monster Matador, and Fritz the Literally F***ing Cat
We filmed this back in NOVEMBER of last year, and spent 8 months rescuing the footage.
8 Months in the making! Well, 8 months in the footage recovery process. We shot this on a professional commercial/film camera, weirdly out of convenience, and man will we never do that again! This is our second BAROQUE VS. BARGAIN, where we blind taste and rank cheap vs. expensive versions of the same kind of wine.
It's also the introduction our new semi-regular, 3rd host - Jenna Franklin! You can meet Jenna here:
MONSTER MATADOR by Steven Prince (writer) and Fabio Alves (artist)
Steven is going to be joining us for a guest spot on the show next week, so we’ll talk more about this comic then. Needless to say, it’s a fantastic premise and feast your eyes on Fabio’s glorious art:
Purchase any of the previous issues and/or Trade Paperback collection: https://www.monstermatador.com/store
And sign up to be notified and/or pledge for a copy of the latest here (launching July 12th!): https://www.kickstarter.com/projects/monstermatador/monster-matador-once-upon-some-monsters-in-mexico-1
THE LIFE AND DEATH OF FRITZ THE CAT by R. Crumb (writer/artist).
An absolutely outlandish anthropomorphic “cartoon” strip by the infamous Robert Crumb. It has all of Crumb’s hallmark obsessions/anxieties about sex, death, social ettiquettes, and gender divides.
You can grab yourself the collection here.
Or check out the X-rated animated motion picture (!!!):
And it's sequel: The Nine Lives of Fritz the Cat:
The Wines and How We Ranked Them
From 6 (least favorite) to 1 (most favorite) here’s how Dave and Dallas each ranked the wines. The bottom three (6-4) were the same for each. But our top three were a bit inversed from each other!
6 - 2017 Bodegas Orán 'Soleá' Valdebebas (Generico/Joven) ($27)
5 - 2007 El Puntido (Gran Reserva) ($75)
4 - 2018 Eguia (Reserva) ($8.99)
3 - 2009 Bodegas Manzanos '125 Aniversario' (Reserva) ($129)
2 - 2020 Campo Viejo (Generico/Joven) ($8.99)
1 - 2014 Remulluri (Generico/Joven) ($55)
6 - 2017 Bodegas Orán 'Soleá' Valdebebas (Generico/Joven) ($27)
5 - 2007 El Puntido (Gran Reserva) ($75)
4 - 2018 Eguia (Reserva) ($8.99)
3 - 2020 Campo Viejo (Generico/Joven) ($8.99)
2 - 2014 Remulluri (Generico/Joven) ($55)
1 - 2009 Bodegas Manzanos '125 Aniversario' (Reserva) ($129)
And here’s the full write ups of each wine, as static images so you can read them in full and unrushed: